My Blog!

Friday: 27th October 2023

I am now renting a Server from Hostinger based at Meppel in the Netherlands.
Ubuntu 22.04 Jammy Jellyfish - with XRDP Desktop. I have already installed .NET and mono-complete.
I have never run a region server in Linux so I guess it may take me some learning.
I tried to run OpenSim 0.9.3 Nessie but even though I installed .net no success?
Anyway I then downloded OpenSim 0.9.2.
I used the browser based VNC System Console that my hosting provider has and in the bin directory
I just typed in mono OpenSim.exe and success!

Some of the commands I used:
Used to open the port for TCP and UDP: sudo ufw allow 9000
Used to access my bin directory: cd ~/osgrid-opensim-03232023.v0.9.2.d1466eb/bin